Interest-free credit is a central belief in the LETS movement. It should be possible for the people within the exchange to have access to a predetermined amount of credit that is available to every one and that allow people to start consuming the goods and services available within the community without having been able to sell their own goods or services yet. Some organizations now take this a step further and allow personal loans to its members. These loans are not always interest free but are always very cheap.
Read more about LETS lending here.
A Lets marketplace allows the people in the community to help others by making their services available at a favorable price. It also allows people to find new homes for the things they no longer need. It is very easy to set up an electronic marketplace that makes the trade very easy but if you have a lot of older members in your community you might also want to add an old fashion bulletin board where people can post notes. A good service can be to print electronic adds and attach them to this board.
The quickly development on the financial markets in the last few years have made it a lot easier to create local investment clubs in which a local community invest together to be able to divide the risk among them. This allow the member of the group to take advantage of financial opportunities that might have been closed to each individual investor. They can as an example invest in and run local commercial properties. This benefits the community now and later.
Internet has also made it a lot easier to follow what different trades are doing and copy the trades of the most successful traders you can find. A number of brokers now provide you with communities where you can copy and trader you want to copy. A good example of this is the Swedish stockbroker Nordnet. You can read more about Nordnet by visiting
http://www.aktiemä (in Swedish)